The new issue of
Perigee is now available online. The poetry section, in particular, includes works by William L Alton, Beau Boudreaux, Dion Farquhar, Maria Halovanic, Paul Hostovsky, Andrew Kortz, Josef Lesser, Amy Letter, Mike Marks, Ben Mason, Christopher Middleman, Charles Rafferty, Aline Soules, Len Sousa, Lucas Stangl, Kyle David Torke, Stephen S Whitaker and yours truly.
Have been terribly baaaaaad about my writing and other social activities.

Catching up a bit with correspondences today. Still having a hard time getting out of this autumnal slump... my old muse, I presume since she never showed up, was nabbed by a myopic dog-catcher some time last week. I'm still waiting for a replacement. Hopefully, someone younger... more businesslike, less prone to obsessive-compulsive behavior, preferably with no sense of the meaning of household dirt.
Anyway, wooooohooooo!!! Received an acceptance note from
Lorraine and James, a very classy, California-based print magazine! Talking of short-sightedness, they have accepted a recent poem,
On Waking up to Ashbery Without My Reading Glasses. It was such a surprise -- Lorraine and James is, so far, the most high-paying market I've managed to get into (i.e. higher than
The Pedestal). Never imagined for a moment... and the editor replied in 1 day. I'm soooo thrilled about it!

Let's hope this prods me out of my hibernation. Sigh.