Dusted more books, cleaned -- untidily -- the kitchen and bathroom sink today.

A good thing came of it though: I rediscovered my copy of "The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate" (no kidding) by Eugene Ehrlich. Bwaaaahaaahaaaah!!

I'm going to have some masochistic fun with word poems.
1 comment:
My husband died from Alzheimer's disease complications. Does anyone have poems or short stories regarding that subjec?
Looking for Writers
Express Yourself 101
Dancing with Words
For Your Eyes Only
Looking for Writers of All Ages from Around the World
Uplifting Poetry, Lyrics, Short Stories
Express Yourself 101
For Your Eyes Only
VOLUME 2 and future volumes...
Looking for Writers of All Ages from Around the World
Please submit poems, lyrics and/or short stories written in the English language.
Literary pieces may be on any topic as long as it is geared to all ages.
Up to three original poems, a picture of the poet and a biography (one to two paragraphs) sent via e-mail. You may wish to include your Web site information and/or titles of published books if applicable. It will give you exposure and the readers can view who's who in the world of literacy.
Submitting work that is not yours is against the law and it is plagiarism. By submitting poems, short stories, lyrics, pictures and information about the author; you are agreeing that Readers Are Leaders U.S.A. may reproduce in print and/or post on the Web sites.
Please make sure you sign and mail permission agreement once you are selected. Your rights will go back to you. Readers Are Leaders U.S.A., Inc. will donate some books to school media centers, public libraries and other organizations from around the world.
Readers Are Leaders U.S.A., Inc. has the right to revise the rules...
Submit your poetry or short story for consideration to publication in print.
Readers Are Leaders U.S.A., Inc.
Readers Are Leaders U.S.A., Inc. has the right to revise the rules...
You may wish to submit your poetry, lyrics or short story for consideration to publication in print.
Publish your poetry or short story in an anthology
• If your work is selected…
• Provide contact information to readers (Brief Biography, Web site URL, Title(s) of previously published book(s), (self-published, print on demand, traditional, or if not applicable leave blank)
• FREE – Your copyrights revert back to you
• You earn no royalties, just recognition and a chance to see your work in print
• Your submission must be your own original work
• You must be 18 or over, or have parent sign a consent agreement
• I hereby certify that the above poems/short stories are my original work and that all rights to the literary pieces are mine.
• I understand that my poem and/or short story if selected will be published in an anthology as my original work and under my own copyright by Readers Are Leaders U.S.A.
Title(s) ______________________________________________
Print Name____________________________________________
Parent’s signature if under 18______________________________
Date of birth___________________________________________
If not from the U.S.A. please include country___________________________________
Please mail release form to:
Readers Are Leaders U.S.A.
P.O. Box 451107
Miami, FL 33245-1107
Check items completed if you wish to be considered. Incomplete submissions will be disregarded.
_____ About the Author
_____ Author's Picture
_____ Up to three Uplifting Poems, Lyrics, and/or Short Stories via e-mail to...
_____ Release form (Signed and Completed) mailed to...
Readers Are Leaders U.S.A.
P.O. Box 451107
Miami, FL 33245-1107
Express Yourself 101
Dancing with Words VOLUME 1
Express Yourself 101
Dancing With Words
To all of the writers from around the world that contributed to this endeavor and to the world of literacy with thanks.
1 Mark Akenside
2 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
3 William Blake
4 Robert Browning
5 William Cullen Bryant
6 Charles Dickens
7 Eugene Field
8 Samuel Johnson
9 John Keats
10 Amy Lowell
11 Edgar Allan Poe
12 Christina Rossetti
13 William Shakespeare
14 Phillis Wheatley
15 Walt Whitman
16 W. Jude Aher
17 Christopher Aiden
18 Kevin Paul Alawine
19 Elein Arencibia
20 Marcy Axness, Ph.D.
21 Nathaniel Booker
22 Janelle-Diane Bravo
23 Isabel Cabán
24 Didier Camacho
25 Richard Caruso
26 Todd Cheney
27 Tahlia Dago
28 Adriana Gale
29 Stacy Goll
30 Milena Gomez
31 Stephanie Harmon
32 Beverly Houck
33 Michael Levy
34 Ralph Lichtenberger
35 Adrienne Lin
36 Miriam Lorenzo
37 Sandra R. Mainer
38 Ana Monnar
39 Melissa Oharriz
40 A. Owens
41 Charles P. Ries
42 Jason Schramm
43 Miryam Shields
44 Adrian Spendlow
45 Linda Stypulkowski
46 Idania Temiño
47 Linda Turner-Zwetkov
48 Kathleen Vasilas
49 Sand-dee Rose Waybill
50 Melissa-Marie Zirini
51 Andrei Alessandri
52 Kristin Aughenbaugh
53 Shreya Baid
54 Rachel Bernhardt-Licea
55 Michael Cano
56 Mario Caraballo
57 Jacquelyn Conde
58 Valerie Corella
59 Katryna Cruz
60 Mila Dago
61 Rene Dago III
62 Andrew Davis
63 Annette Elguezabal
64 Christina Fernandez
65 Eli Fernandez
66 Juan Figueroa
67 Brittany Fowler
68 Paul George
69 Acelia Gonzalez
70 Brian Gonzalez
71 Elisa Gonzalez
72 Roxana Iviricu
73 Dakota R. Lipton
74 Sasha Martinez
75 Alberto Monnar
76 Alexander Monnar
77 Anna Monnar
78 Tiffany Oharriz
79 Kahyra Paulette
80 Andres Quinta
81 Daniel Rams
82 Victoria Rams
83 Catherine Ries
84 Gema Rodriguez
85 Stephanie Rodriguez
86 Steven Rodriguez
87 Camila Romero
88 Jonathan Ruano
89 Justin Ruano
90 Megan Ruiz
91 Jorge Sanz
92 Alfredo Toll
93 Laurence Tommasi, Jr.
94 Alexandra Varona
95 Kristin Vazquez
96 Leidy Villa
97 Linda Villa
98 Chantelle Viloria
99 Denise Washington
100 Matthew Williams
101 Ibrain Zirini
All writers claimed their literary works to be their own original work and that they owned all rights to their literary pieces. Each individual is responsible for their own copyright.
Express Yourself 101
For Your Eyes Only VOLUME 2
Looking for Writers of All Ages from Around the World
Express Yourself 101
For Your Eyes Only
VOLUME 2 and future volumes...
Topics to be considered, but not limited to the ones mentioned...
Life, birth, adoption, birth mothers, adoptive parents, twins, triplets, single births, siblings, foster child/children, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, actions, emotions
Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa's smile, eyes, beauty,
Love, puppy love, love gone bad, "as long as it is suitable for all ages,"
Eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, amber eyes, beautiful eyes, sad eyes, eyes that tell a story
Teachers, dentist, lawyers, doctors, engineers, coaches,
Sports, basketball, cross-country, track and field, baseball, volleyball, swimming,
Nature, roses, orchids, gardenias, forest, animals, sea, lakes, mountains, weather,
Countries, islands, states, continents...
Literary pieces that are offensive towards any age, race, creed or color will not be considered.
Express Yourself 101
For Your Eyes Only
Please submit poems written in the English language.
Poems may be on any topic as long as it is geared to all ages.
Up to three original poems, a picture of the poet and a biography (one to two paragraphs) sent via e-mail. Submitting work that is not yours is against the law and it is plagiarism. By submitting poems, short stories, lyrics, pictures and information about the author; you are agreeing that Readers Are Leaders U.S.A. may reproduce in print and/or post on the Web site. Please make sure you sign and mail permission agreement once you are selected. Your rights will go back to you.
Readers Are Leaders U.S.A., Inc. has the right to revise the rules...
You may wish to submit your poetry or short story for consideration to publication in print.
Publish your poetry or short story in an anthology
• If your work is selected…
• Provide contact information to readers (Brief Biography, Web site URL, Title(s) of previously published book(s), (self-published, print on demand, traditional, or if not applicable leave blank)
• FREE – Your copyrights revert back to you
• You earn no royalties, just recognition and a chance to see your work in print
• Your submission must be your own original work
• You must be 18 or over, or have parent sign a consent agreement
• I hereby certify that the above poems/short stories are my original work and that all rights to the literary pieces are mine.
• I understand that my poem and/or short story if selected will be published in an anthology as my original work and under my own copyright by Readers Are Leaders U.S.A.
Helpful Web sites
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