Have been terribly baaaaaad about my writing and other social activities.

Catching up a bit with correspondences today. Still having a hard time getting out of this autumnal slump... my old muse, I presume since she never showed up, was nabbed by a myopic dog-catcher some time last week. I'm still waiting for a replacement. Hopefully, someone younger... more businesslike, less prone to obsessive-compulsive behavior, preferably with no sense of the meaning of household dirt.
Anyway, wooooohooooo!!! Received an acceptance note from Lorraine and James, a very classy, California-based print magazine! Talking of short-sightedness, they have accepted a recent poem, On Waking up to Ashbery Without My Reading Glasses. It was such a surprise -- Lorraine and James is, so far, the most high-paying market I've managed to get into (i.e. higher than The Pedestal). Never imagined for a moment... and the editor replied in 1 day. I'm soooo thrilled about it!

Let's hope this prods me out of my hibernation. Sigh.
Congrats Arlene - those are very beautiful poems.
way to go girl!!!!
you deserve this, and i am sure muses inc will send a replacement asap - i only had to wait for mine for about ... umm .. 3 months? *L*
am still writing rules, rules rule after all. don't they? must include something about house cleaning in your honour.
Thanks, ladies!! Hugs to ya all!
And yes, Michi -- send the house-cleaning rule to me... I will print and tack it on my wall. Well, until the cleaning lady terrorizes me into taking it down for purely "hygienic" reasons in a year or two. Hee.
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