rather slow with the job. Brain still not working properly.
Have linked to Shanna Germain who's quite an inspiring writer and poet. I love her introductory page, too -- she just says it ALL!!! I'm stuck in bad muse days. And check the chestnuts in the kitchen a zillion times for new worm excavations. Four came out and plopped at the bottom of *my* salad bowl -- I'm never eating in that again. We've also got a wasp in the terrace... which my don-quixote husband attacked with degreasing liquid. Hee. Then I read about Nicole having a vacuum war with ladybugs. Eeek. Someone tell me this is only an autumnal interlude.
Unlikely 2.0 accepted three poems:
To Colonel Mustard in the Billiard Room with the Wrench
A Kind of Tomorrow
Like Electricity
for their January 3rd 2006 issue. As the name suggests, they are crazy about bizarre stuff... like some little birdy's rules poems. **hinthint**

calling *me* a little birdy? tsk.
*L* m
teehee. i call everyone a little birdy... out of habit, because i like to chirp (literally) and flap my arms when i'm happy.
btw, try underground window with your rules poems, too. they got one of my list stuff ;)
awww arlene, NOW i want to see you happy even more than before! *L*
thanks for the tips. in my database they go.
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