I'm floating happily enough to say that Thieves Jargon has been resurrected. Issue 152 has now gone up, with my poem, Fishing dead bodies in water. You've got to be dead not to love this artwork by Stephen Elvidge featured there. 
Have got a ticklish poem, Please Meet My Table up in the ever tickling 'zine, Zygote in my Coffee (Issue #93).
What else? Today is Day 5 of 30. I am in pain. In another two days, I won't only be in greater pain — I'd be older, too.

Have got a ticklish poem, Please Meet My Table up in the ever tickling 'zine, Zygote in my Coffee (Issue #93).

What else? Today is Day 5 of 30. I am in pain. In another two days, I won't only be in greater pain — I'd be older, too.
I love the last line of "Please Meet My Table."
survived your birthday drinking, ms ang? i hope you are doing it all in style and with dignity. that getting older thing. *g*
ps congrats!
Arlene, it's great to catch up with you ...oodles of congrats on all your publications. I remember quite a few of them from our 30:30 days...speaking of which, well done on biting the bullet and getting cracking in there again - once I pick up my courage and my sorry self and muse from our hazy, lazy poemless days, I hope to get myself back in there too : )
And loads of belated birthday congrats. I bet you had a great day!
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