I was so thrilled when one of the Rubicon Press editors told me over the weekend that my chapbook, Secret Love Poems is ready to go to print this week. The cover art is by Oana Cambrea — who's been so kind to give us permission to use her image. Her works are simply divine!
Recent acceptances:
• Am scheduled to make my 13th appearance in Eclectica with a word challenge poem, The heart stops momentarily — and a sonnenizio on a line from Ros Barber, Aftermath.

Submission date: 1 September 2007
Reply date: 13 September 2007
• CommonLine Project accepted a rather ticklish fetish poem, Necks for Issue 011 (due out on November 1st).

Submission date: 9 September 2007
Reply date: 13 September 2007
• Will also have two poems, Liu Song Warms Himself By the Fire and Six Reasons I Never Write About Home in the debut issue (Fall/Winter 207) of Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. It's new, but has nice professional manners. Quickish response times, too. They're considering work from or about Asia, check them out.

Submission mailed: 14 September 2007
Reply received: 15 September 2007
Dear Arlene, great news about Rubicon Press.
By the way, now I have a blog, Tommaso Gervasutti. The blogger's is a mysterious world, I hope you'll be able to find Tommaso Gervasutti.
I would be happy, but God knows if it will happen, that this "rehearsal message" will get through to you.
I received a marvellous complimentary copy of Parameter with a poem of mine in it.
Did you know about "Parameter"?
Ciao, Davide
Oh my gosh, Arlene, the cover art to your book is just so divinely erotic - absolutely love how fitting it is for the theme - can't wait to get my paws (not dick's ; )) on it.
And talking of the-hots...your acceptance list is piping hot - oodles of congrats.
Congratulations, Arlene. I really like the cover. Strong.
best. cover. EVER.
*feels tingly*
Congrats on the book -- it's absolutely gorgeous! And a great read, I'm sure!
All the best, s.
Arlene, I am trying to write to you through this blog. It seems very hard to pass through. I wanted to tell you I answered in my blog to your tip on Agenda. I am happy you could read my previous posts, I wasn’t sure someone could.
it looks gorgeous!! i can't wait to get my dirty fingers on it! i am sure you wrote this just for me and my nsgap (according to word verification). we must do a swapping-of-rubicon-chaps once the alex&michi book is out, yes?
keep the madness up. yes. up.
Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations, Arlene!! The cover is stunning - can't wait to get a copy.
great cover!
and you are inspirational with all the work you write & send out.
I love the cover, too!
hi arlene,
Congratulations!! and what a sexy
cover to the book.
i also have a blog now.
best to you,
Hi Arlene - How can I purchase a copy of your chapbook? Thanks!
Hi Jennifer,
You can get it from Rubicon Press. Here's the direct link:
Thanks so much for your interest! Hope you enjoy the reading.
All my best,
Thank you for your swift response Arlene, I just placed an order with Rubicon. Looking forward to some leisure time with a mug of tea and your poetry. :)
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