It's official. Have written my first poem in two months and posted it in 30:30. Its birthing was quite comparable to a tooth abscess. 
Am running ever so late with correspondence and blog lives, but I do want to say thanks and a huge HI!! to those who left messages in my previous posts. I will catch up with everyone's blog. Eventually.
New website at Leafscape:
Am delighted to announce that I've finished Jayne Pupek's website. She's a brilliant poet/writer... but more importantly, she knows her drinks. At some point during the construction, we lost quite a bit of attachments and e-mails between us while drinking to each other's health. What else? The original photographer whose work we were supposed to use at the site stopped communicating with us. One of us suffered from double vision caused, in part, by looking at naked mannequins while the other began seeing ketchup on the back of fallen angels. Er. Um. Hic. Yes.
Acceptances and anthologies:
• alice blue accepted three poems — one: placebo, two: union and four: totem — from my approximative translations manuscript (unfinished). Yay!! Am so thrilled because (1) I adore this 'zine, (2) it publishes innovative, experimental work — not my "genre" at all, and (3) it's my third try with them. Persistence pays!
Submission date: 12 May 2007
Reply date: 28 August 2007
• Am likely to have my sonnenizio, Breakage in the Summer 2008 issue of Orbis. I say "likely" because the editor offered to read more of mine for the Winter issue. Because publised poets are required to wait at least a year before submitting again, acceptance in the Winter issue will probably wipe out my appearance in the Summer issue. Sounds rather long-winded put that way, but there it is.
Response time is a bit long, but the editor is considering work for the Winter issue (mailed in January 2008). If there's a season featured in your poem, make sure it's winter. Breakage is more of a summer poem, hence the wait. I didn't know about this before I submitted. Thought it might be useful and interesting for others to know.
Submission date: 22 February 2007
Reply date (after querying on the 22nd): 25 August 2007
• Was very honored and thrilled to receive an e-mail from Snow*Vigate Press saying that my poem, In the Woods—A Shot—Fraught with Barking Dogs which was published in Blue Fifth Review will be included in their anthology, Online Writing: the Best of the First Ten Years (edited by Kim Chinquee and Doug Martin). They're shooting for 100 writers to include and hope to have the book out by Christmas. WOWZA.
• Am thrilled to know that the anthology edited by Holly Hughes, Beyond Forgetting: Poetry and Prose about Alzheimer’s Disease (Kent State University Press) is pushing through with publication in late 2008. Have signed another contract for the reprint of my poem, Five Minutes of Silence.
Publications received:
• Really thrilled to received my copy of ANON (#5). This is one of the most beautiful print journals I've seen — with a terrific array of poetry and prose inside.
• Was ecstatic to receive my copy of Staple Magazine. It's absolutely gorgeous! I was expecting it to be saddle-stitched with a card cover... so it was quite a surprise. The £10 check is a cool sight, too — not that I can cash it in Italy. Anyway, the table of contents, with some of my fave poets, is viewable here.

Am running ever so late with correspondence and blog lives, but I do want to say thanks and a huge HI!! to those who left messages in my previous posts. I will catch up with everyone's blog. Eventually.

New website at Leafscape:
Am delighted to announce that I've finished Jayne Pupek's website. She's a brilliant poet/writer... but more importantly, she knows her drinks. At some point during the construction, we lost quite a bit of attachments and e-mails between us while drinking to each other's health. What else? The original photographer whose work we were supposed to use at the site stopped communicating with us. One of us suffered from double vision caused, in part, by looking at naked mannequins while the other began seeing ketchup on the back of fallen angels. Er. Um. Hic. Yes.

Acceptances and anthologies:
• alice blue accepted three poems — one: placebo, two: union and four: totem — from my approximative translations manuscript (unfinished). Yay!! Am so thrilled because (1) I adore this 'zine, (2) it publishes innovative, experimental work — not my "genre" at all, and (3) it's my third try with them. Persistence pays!

Submission date: 12 May 2007
Reply date: 28 August 2007
• Am likely to have my sonnenizio, Breakage in the Summer 2008 issue of Orbis. I say "likely" because the editor offered to read more of mine for the Winter issue. Because publised poets are required to wait at least a year before submitting again, acceptance in the Winter issue will probably wipe out my appearance in the Summer issue. Sounds rather long-winded put that way, but there it is.
Response time is a bit long, but the editor is considering work for the Winter issue (mailed in January 2008). If there's a season featured in your poem, make sure it's winter. Breakage is more of a summer poem, hence the wait. I didn't know about this before I submitted. Thought it might be useful and interesting for others to know.

Submission date: 22 February 2007
Reply date (after querying on the 22nd): 25 August 2007
• Was very honored and thrilled to receive an e-mail from Snow*Vigate Press saying that my poem, In the Woods—A Shot—Fraught with Barking Dogs which was published in Blue Fifth Review will be included in their anthology, Online Writing: the Best of the First Ten Years (edited by Kim Chinquee and Doug Martin). They're shooting for 100 writers to include and hope to have the book out by Christmas. WOWZA.

• Am thrilled to know that the anthology edited by Holly Hughes, Beyond Forgetting: Poetry and Prose about Alzheimer’s Disease (Kent State University Press) is pushing through with publication in late 2008. Have signed another contract for the reprint of my poem, Five Minutes of Silence.
Publications received:
• Really thrilled to received my copy of ANON (#5). This is one of the most beautiful print journals I've seen — with a terrific array of poetry and prose inside.

• Was ecstatic to receive my copy of Staple Magazine. It's absolutely gorgeous! I was expecting it to be saddle-stitched with a card cover... so it was quite a surprise. The £10 check is a cool sight, too — not that I can cash it in Italy. Anyway, the table of contents, with some of my fave poets, is viewable here.

1 comment:
Congratulations to you again, Arlene, for your work from Blue Fifth appearing in the anthology, Online Writing. It's a strong piece.
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