Have dropped out of 30:30 for now -- hope to be back on April's Fool for the... erm, obvious reasons.

Acceptance Received:
Wheeee! Georgetown Review recently accepted two poems:
• Jasmine Tea
• The Fourth Secret Love Poem
for either their 2007 or 2008 issue (for some reason the dates make me want to get a facelift in the meantime)

Submission mailed on: 6 February 2006
Reply received on: 28 March 2006
Rather fast -- considering that it takes at least a week for the mail journey to and from Kentucky.
Rejection Received:
Alice Blue sent a very nice rejection slip to some rather crazy poems --
Submission mailed on: 10 February 2006
Reply received on: 28 March 2006
Recent Publications:
My poem, Hot tubs is up in the spring 2006 of Pemmican Press.
A wonderful issue featuring the works of George Kalamaras, Tom Holmes, Marilyn Zuckerman, Iftekhar Sayeed, David Pointer, Joel Solonche, John Hunt, Foster Dickson, Hank Kalet, Eric Lehman, Jocko Benoit, Katie Antony, Kendall Dunkelberg, Kenneth Pobo, Jennifer VanBuren, John Bradley, Lynn Strongin, John Ronan, Patricia Smith Ranzoni, Tim Bellows, Sava Radakovich, Tony Zurlo, Robert Cooperman, Harris Gardner, Christopher Butters, Laura LeHew, Michael Henson, Rochelle Ratner, Amelia Raymond, Jill Garroway, Leonard Cirino, Beth Block, Gary Wilkens, Rosemarie Crisafi, Gary Lark, Jilly Dybka, James Grabill, Corey Habbas, Heather Van Doren, Joshua Pastor, Francis McConnel, Page Dougherty Delano, Jim Daniels, Gary Lehmann, Margaret Robinson, Jeff Jensen, Patrick Stanhope, and Donald Lev.