No doubt, despite their many rejections, I still owe much thanks to editors—who seem to have some sixth sense when I need some cheering up.
Received such an enthusiastic e-mail from
Ghoti yesterday that I couldn't help but smile:
Dear Ms. Ang,
So glad to have you back! We'd love to publish "This Closing Book", "Something Like Blood" and "To That Disquieting Presence . . ." for our Winter issue, which will be up in January. If you're happy with that (clap your hands?) feel free to update your bio and/or send an email confirmation that none of these awesome poems has been picked up by another journal (yet).
All the best!
The Editors
And today an acceptance note from
FRIGG Magazine. I've sort of given up on that submission (dated 13 June 2005 in my Sentbox) so it's been a terrific surprise. Such a kewl 'zine, too with surreal imagery and layout.
Plus, quite possibly the fastest turnaround time in the history of 'zines (rivaling that of
Stride Magazine):
The Argotist received, accepted and posted my poems at their site yesterday:
From a Ouija board
Apostles Outside the Cathedral Still... my idea, basically, on birthdays remains:
