Hah. And they really do -- inspired by the precision of
Jude's blog, thought I'd offer more detailed information on the places I've submitted.
Recent Rejections:
Thieves Jargon Submission date: 30 January 2006
Reply date: 17 February 2006
Editorial Comments: I think you have some good stuff in there, but our submissions are really high right now, and I don't think I'm going to be able to find the room to fit any of them into an upcoming issue. I'd like to hope that wouldn't discourage you from hitting us up again at some point in the future...
But I'd Say: It's still worth a try though. Maybe it's just the editor's nice way of saying no, which could be a yes to others.

H_NGM_N Submission date: 18 January 2006
Reply date: 18 February 2006
Editorial Comments: Thanks for trying us with these. It was a tough call on some of these but we'll pass on this batch. Try us again sometime.
And I'd Say: Yes, yes. This is one kewl 'zine!
10th Muse Submission date: 17 February 2006
Reply date: 18 February 2006
Editorial Comments: I have read them and have decided not to use them in the magazine. Sorry to disappoint...
But I'd Say: I'd still give this print journal another try... because with a response time this fast it's worth it!
What I've been up to (apart from writing):
• Mailed poems to
Backwards City Review and
Georgetown Review. This is something of a record for me to be sending stuff by post to print journals, but I've recently inherited tons of unwanted foreign stamps from my dad's collection and licking these on my SASEs gives me a ticklish pleasure. Hee. Well, the truth is since we've gotten a laser printer, I'm looking for any excuse to use it -- hearing the zing-zing noises it makes sort of pulls me into a chirpy disposition for the rest of the week. It's subliminal, I think.

• Have added a
weatherpixie to my blog. Teehee. And am spending part of my computer time checking out the girlie to see if she's taken off her coat -- because she does! And when it rains she carries the cutest umbrella. I say it's the coolest thing since... uh, the invention of shower curtains.

• On Friday, I fried the computer's hard disk. When my husband came home, virally infected and flu-ish, and pushed the "on" button it emitted a plink that said:
I'd rather die in peace now, please. My good man has managed to revive it during the weekend and warned me to puh-lease close all programs first before turning it off... and threatened to cut off my fingers if I start plinking all sorts of keys every time it goes into deep thought while exiting from the Sims game.

• Have also updated the
Leonard Gontarek site.
Plantarium update:
Have noticed a second leaf growing (1 centimeter) at the base of the first leaf. Yay! Otherwise...
Major leaves (2) growth: 0 millimeters.
Color: greenish brown.
Prognosis: not good, but not bad either.