There's a three-part interview with me up at Savvy Verse & Wit, plus a review of Secret Love Poems and a chapbook lottery. If you'd like to try your luck at winning a copy of the chapbook, just leave your e-mail address here. The deadline is 26 February 2009.
Thanks so much for this honor, Serena!!
Currently at the Event Museum:
• Am seriously considering renaming this blog as The Event Museum... where for months only one important event is happening — based on a ticklish collaboem I've been writing with Valerie.
• Have been busy redesigning my website. Good grief. I've been rechecking all the links from way back in 1995... and finding so many dead bodies, I mean, dead 'zines. At this rate, I'm going to outlive all my publication credits.
• Am scheduled to leave for Manila on Friday... and so have only three days more to get my act together — which includes answering my messages — or will be forced to forever hold my peace. Hee.
Recent publications:
• qarrtsiluni has posted the first collaboem (with Valerie) in their "Mutating the Signature" series, In retrospect, 1984 made a fine sausage. The audio file is between me and John Vick.
• Three poems: Polish Dancer Prelude (sonnet), The Local Physician Returns to the Ski Lodge and The 38th Secret Love Poem are in Issue 2 of Blackbox Manifold together with the works of Vahni Capildeo, Joshua Clover, Vona Groarke, Alan Halsey, Lisa Jarnot, John Kinsella, Peter Larkin, Matt Merritt, Drew Milne, Geraldine Monk, Paul Muldoon, Vivek Narayanan, Chris Nealon, Francis Raven, Ian Seed, Ben Stainton, Kyle Storm, Matthew Sweeney and Nathan Thompson.
Thanks so much for this honor, Serena!!

Currently at the Event Museum:
• Am seriously considering renaming this blog as The Event Museum... where for months only one important event is happening — based on a ticklish collaboem I've been writing with Valerie.
• Have been busy redesigning my website. Good grief. I've been rechecking all the links from way back in 1995... and finding so many dead bodies, I mean, dead 'zines. At this rate, I'm going to outlive all my publication credits.

• Am scheduled to leave for Manila on Friday... and so have only three days more to get my act together — which includes answering my messages — or will be forced to forever hold my peace. Hee.
Recent publications:
• qarrtsiluni has posted the first collaboem (with Valerie) in their "Mutating the Signature" series, In retrospect, 1984 made a fine sausage. The audio file is between me and John Vick.
• Three poems: Polish Dancer Prelude (sonnet), The Local Physician Returns to the Ski Lodge and The 38th Secret Love Poem are in Issue 2 of Blackbox Manifold together with the works of Vahni Capildeo, Joshua Clover, Vona Groarke, Alan Halsey, Lisa Jarnot, John Kinsella, Peter Larkin, Matt Merritt, Drew Milne, Geraldine Monk, Paul Muldoon, Vivek Narayanan, Chris Nealon, Francis Raven, Ian Seed, Ben Stainton, Kyle Storm, Matthew Sweeney and Nathan Thompson.
Hit Nacho King in Manila.
How do I submit to Press 1.
I am so tickled by the virtual flowers and the thank you. It was my pleasure. This blogging thing has helped me connect with other poets in a way I never imagined it would.
Hey Arlene,
The Quarrts. poem is a gem - and the voices! - what a pair you and John both make! ; )
Buen viaje for your trip...oh and what a sizzling interview....kudos-round-and-round-the-garden way... ; )
My name is Sarah Muinos. I'm a junior professional writing major at Kutztown University. I attended your reading there last semester and approached you afterward about a poem you read about visiting an inmate in prison. You gave me a copy of the poem.
Today, I unfortunately discovered that the poem has lost itself somewhere in my void of papers. I was wondering if you might send me another copy or link me to where I might find one. My e-mail address is smuin538@kutztown.edu. I would really appreciate it... in the poetry class I am currently taking, we are required to study a contemporary poet and imitate a poem of theirs. I'd really love to imitate your poem.
Hi Ms. Ang,
I was a student who saw you and Valerie Fox read together at Kutztown University. I was unable to buy a copy of "Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon" on that occasion. Where can I purchase it now? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Please let me know, my email address is dsant869@kutztown.edu
Dawn Santos
Hi Arlene,
I loooove the cover of your new book! And I'm sure what's inside is at least as wonderful, of course. Congratulations! I can't wait to read it -- it's on my list of top purchases when I get my tax rebate check. :)
'Hope you're doing well,
Hi Arlene,
It's been a while since I paid a visit to your blog. My gosh you've been busy! I've missed so much more than I ever imagined. Congrats on your chapbook, I agree, I love the cover art. I deleted my old blog and created a new one if you'd like to update it:
http://sandyhiss.blogspot.com/. Please consider submitting again to Flutter when you have the time!
Sandy Benitez
Hi Arlene. Love your poetry, it was what got me into writing some myself after wrestling with the dessicated language of political science for a few years at uni. Just wanted to say hi, and have added you to my blogroll^
I love the new look to your blog!
The new name is pure GENIUS!
Have fun on your trip!
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