Gaaaaak. Have decided to go home at the last minute and spend Christmas there. Am leaving on Wednesday. My mom still hasn't gotten better. She's in quite a lot of bone pain... which isn't a good sign. 
Have been trying to wrap things up here, laundry- and email-wise, but seriously doubt I can get everything done before I leave. At some point, I think I'd have to start packing.
Need to be at five different places tomorrow: yoga class, the jeweler's, the supermarket, the pet shop and the post office — got a strange note today that a C.O.D. package arrived for me. If it's about my chapbook copies and they're taxing me, I'll scream and start eating my winter coat (from collar downwards).
Recent acceptances:
• Seam, a UK-based print magazine accepted two fresh-from-30:30 poems, The Plagiarist and Outdoors for their Spring 2008 issue.
They accept only hard-copy submissions — but they will respond via e-mail. They've got an admirably fast response time, too!
Submission mailed: 29 October 2007
E-mail reply: 12 November 2007
• The Chimaera accepted my poem, Agoraphobia for their January 2008 issue. This is one slick 'zine. And they're including mp3 recordings, too. Did mine this morning — with sound effects. Heheh. An alien can't be heard in public without fancy storms and some glass breaking, can it?
Submission date: 28 October 2007
Reply date: 23 November 2007
Recent publications:
• Issue #17 of Right Hand Pointing is now up with very ticklish poetry by Molly Schoemann, Ken Jones, Joe Balaz,Christopher Major, David Jordan, Doug Draime, Michael Frissore, Helen R. Peterson, Michael Ogletree, Ron Singer, Victoria Clayton Munn, Howard Good and a person who addresses her navel as Antoine.
• The Commonline Project #11 has works by Wayne Mason, Gail Kelley, MK Butler, Jennifer Best, Zoe Alexandra, Bryan Chabrow, Zachary C. Bush, Luis Cauuhtemoc Berriozabal, Nicole Cartwright Denison, Alex Gallo-Brown, Bryon D. Howell, Joseph Veronneau, Kayleigh Hindricks, Doug Draime and Uncle Pete's neck (deceased).
Am so thrilled to see Non-other-than-X in this issue. It makes it easier for an alien to abduct her when she's surrounded by other people. Where I come from, Nachos are served with jalapeno sauce.
Over and out —

John Vick was such a darling to send me this picture of him while he was reading my 30:30 poem, I'm not supposed to wear this gorilla costume. The gorilla's face is shaped like a mutant potato, and something about that just makes my day every time I see it. If you want to get a huge laugh and see John in action, click here.
Well, this other gorilla is outta here!

Have been trying to wrap things up here, laundry- and email-wise, but seriously doubt I can get everything done before I leave. At some point, I think I'd have to start packing.

Need to be at five different places tomorrow: yoga class, the jeweler's, the supermarket, the pet shop and the post office — got a strange note today that a C.O.D. package arrived for me. If it's about my chapbook copies and they're taxing me, I'll scream and start eating my winter coat (from collar downwards).

Recent acceptances:
• Seam, a UK-based print magazine accepted two fresh-from-30:30 poems, The Plagiarist and Outdoors for their Spring 2008 issue.
They accept only hard-copy submissions — but they will respond via e-mail. They've got an admirably fast response time, too!

Submission mailed: 29 October 2007
E-mail reply: 12 November 2007
• The Chimaera accepted my poem, Agoraphobia for their January 2008 issue. This is one slick 'zine. And they're including mp3 recordings, too. Did mine this morning — with sound effects. Heheh. An alien can't be heard in public without fancy storms and some glass breaking, can it?

Submission date: 28 October 2007
Reply date: 23 November 2007
Recent publications:
• Issue #17 of Right Hand Pointing is now up with very ticklish poetry by Molly Schoemann, Ken Jones, Joe Balaz,Christopher Major, David Jordan, Doug Draime, Michael Frissore, Helen R. Peterson, Michael Ogletree, Ron Singer, Victoria Clayton Munn, Howard Good and a person who addresses her navel as Antoine.
• The Commonline Project #11 has works by Wayne Mason, Gail Kelley, MK Butler, Jennifer Best, Zoe Alexandra, Bryan Chabrow, Zachary C. Bush, Luis Cauuhtemoc Berriozabal, Nicole Cartwright Denison, Alex Gallo-Brown, Bryon D. Howell, Joseph Veronneau, Kayleigh Hindricks, Doug Draime and Uncle Pete's neck (deceased).
Am so thrilled to see Non-other-than-X in this issue. It makes it easier for an alien to abduct her when she's surrounded by other people. Where I come from, Nachos are served with jalapeno sauce.

Over and out —

John Vick was such a darling to send me this picture of him while he was reading my 30:30 poem, I'm not supposed to wear this gorilla costume. The gorilla's face is shaped like a mutant potato, and something about that just makes my day every time I see it. If you want to get a huge laugh and see John in action, click here.
Well, this other gorilla is outta here!

Hello Arlene! Thanks so much for featuring me on your blog, I noticed a little more traffic and saw that they were coming from your blog. Congratulations on your poems being accepted to many publications as well, that is superb!
Oh Arlene, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm sending tons of good thoughts and positive healing vibes for her. And a HUGE congratulations on all the fantastic new pubs! I hope you have a great holiday with your family!
darling astroid: all good thoughts & prayers your and your mom's ways. the nachos are piled high in everyone's favor. right hands point to all clears, signs in the key of jalapeno.
bloggery soonish and enjoy the x-massy.
said the little corn chip piggy
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