Thanks to Doro's call-for-food-subs tip, I have an old-ish sonnet, Finally Throwing the Sauce up at Cautionary Tale — as well as a pasta recipe. 
Watched Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless yesterday. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to hit the guy there or laugh crazily when he said that women drivers were the epitome of cowardice because they never overtake other cars. I did get some vicious pleasure when he got slapped twice by his girlfriend for trying to look at her legs. Teehee. That was fun.
Here's my fave quote from the film — which, I think, speaks a lot about human nature... always wanting what it cannot have:
staple, a UK-based print journal, sent a hand-written note accepting two poems, On Waking Up a Different Woman (written for Pris) and Drained for their next issue.
But what thrilled me out of my boots is the new editor: Wayne Burrows. Yesyesyes!! The author of Marginalia! I just idolize his poetry and am totally psyched that he finds my stuff publishable.
Let me drink a hefty cold glass of some good ol' Ramandolo to calm me down. Aaaaah. That feels better.
Here's the waiting period — probably made longer since I sent it to the old address:
Postmarked date: 3 October 2006
Reply received: 5 January 2006
The website info hasn't been updated yet. Submissions now go to:

Here's my fave quote from the film — which, I think, speaks a lot about human nature... always wanting what it cannot have:
Patricia Franchini: What is your greatest ambition in life?Recent acceptance:
Parvulesco: To become immortal... and then die.
staple, a UK-based print journal, sent a hand-written note accepting two poems, On Waking Up a Different Woman (written for Pris) and Drained for their next issue.
But what thrilled me out of my boots is the new editor: Wayne Burrows. Yesyesyes!! The author of Marginalia! I just idolize his poetry and am totally psyched that he finds my stuff publishable.

Let me drink a hefty cold glass of some good ol' Ramandolo to calm me down. Aaaaah. That feels better.

Here's the waiting period — probably made longer since I sent it to the old address:
Postmarked date: 3 October 2006
Reply received: 5 January 2006
The website info hasn't been updated yet. Submissions now go to:
Staple New Writing
c/o Wayne Burrows
114 - 116 St Stephen's Rd,
Nottingham NG2 4FJ
Congratulations (again!) Arlene! Staple sounds like a cool mag. Love the quote from that movie, too! I could use a glass of something - mind if I share?
Way to go, Arlene!
Oh - women drivers don't have to overtake other drivers, because everyone else is behind them... waiting for that blasted cellphone call to end. ;)
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