and then it's back to the salt mines (30:30). Not even sure if I can finish this round with the TPM deadline... and my Friday the 13th driving exam hanging sword-like over the head. But I figure it's better than biting my hair and twirling my nails while I stare deeply into worry.
TPM update:
The first batch of submission replies has begun to trickle out. Am scheduled to send out a batch of 5 acceptances every week until the 14th. The multiple selves, namely Ellen, Angela, Anne and (H)arlem have been arguing and fighting endlessly over which poems to include and why. They actually pose very good reasons... which makes them rather scary and threatening in a way, especially once they start going after each other's blood.
Because of my rather anal personality, I counted the amount of poets whose works I've read to date: 332. Since each sends an average of 4 poems in a submission, 1328 would a rough total of the poems I've read so far. Not really a huge amount, but choosing 15 poems out of 1328 gives TPM a 1% acceptance rate. Yikes. And it's not over yet.
Recent acceptance:
Fringe accepted three poems (all, incidentally, from my 2nd 30:30 round):
• rest : stop
• through blinds
• That time my upper lip swelled up
for their November 2006 issue. I'm super pre-Halloween hoppy because this 'zine is such a delight to read.
Submission date: 12 August 2006
Reply date: 28 September 2006
Driving update:
Went through my 19th and 20th driving lessons like a pro —erm— killer. Blah. I really have the sinking feeling that I won't pass the damn exam. Have been hoping the instructor would change the date, but he says I can do it. Pooh. The cheeky fella even added: "Don't worry. I have faith in your driving. Look, I'm so relaxed now. I can even close my eyes... to the danger."
Didn't know whether to teehee or kick him on the shin. Hee. I did hit him accidentally on the head yesterday while putting my backpack on the backseat. He went: "You really *are* dangerous!"
I had the grace to give a modest snicker. Revenge, finally!
Am scheduled for three more lessons next week... still having trouble taking roundabouts and busy intersections. Thing is I get claustrophobic when surrounded by other cars and the poor brain goes into system crash. Tomorrow I have a practice scheduled with the husband. I will not forget to bring a strong adhesive tape this time.

TPM update:
The first batch of submission replies has begun to trickle out. Am scheduled to send out a batch of 5 acceptances every week until the 14th. The multiple selves, namely Ellen, Angela, Anne and (H)arlem have been arguing and fighting endlessly over which poems to include and why. They actually pose very good reasons... which makes them rather scary and threatening in a way, especially once they start going after each other's blood.

Because of my rather anal personality, I counted the amount of poets whose works I've read to date: 332. Since each sends an average of 4 poems in a submission, 1328 would a rough total of the poems I've read so far. Not really a huge amount, but choosing 15 poems out of 1328 gives TPM a 1% acceptance rate. Yikes. And it's not over yet.

Recent acceptance:
Fringe accepted three poems (all, incidentally, from my 2nd 30:30 round):
• rest : stop
• through blinds
• That time my upper lip swelled up
for their November 2006 issue. I'm super pre-Halloween hoppy because this 'zine is such a delight to read.

Submission date: 12 August 2006
Reply date: 28 September 2006
Driving update:
Went through my 19th and 20th driving lessons like a pro —erm— killer. Blah. I really have the sinking feeling that I won't pass the damn exam. Have been hoping the instructor would change the date, but he says I can do it. Pooh. The cheeky fella even added: "Don't worry. I have faith in your driving. Look, I'm so relaxed now. I can even close my eyes... to the danger."
Didn't know whether to teehee or kick him on the shin. Hee. I did hit him accidentally on the head yesterday while putting my backpack on the backseat. He went: "You really *are* dangerous!"
I had the grace to give a modest snicker. Revenge, finally!

Am scheduled for three more lessons next week... still having trouble taking roundabouts and busy intersections. Thing is I get claustrophobic when surrounded by other cars and the poor brain goes into system crash. Tomorrow I have a practice scheduled with the husband. I will not forget to bring a strong adhesive tape this time.