PNG Erotic Supplement Update:
I'm afraid the issue will be late since Paco's computer caught a virus.

Update on the extra-curricular activities of A:
• Have finalized the layout of Leonard Gontarek's site:
I'm really thrilled to doing the homepage of this terrific poet -- reading his works reminds how much there is to learn about poetry and writing... as in, It makes me so happy. To be at the beginning again, knowing almost nothing.... It's the best possible time of being alive, when almost everything you thought you knew is wrong.

Hee. I know. I shouldn't cite Stoppard so much or use his dirty blankets in public. But my astrological roulette said it's my lucky quote for the day.
• Via Leonard's publication credits, have discovered the following journals:
Ducky Magazine
I *love* the poetry in this little journal!!! Had to use the ticklish quackdoor because I'm using Firefox, but even that had it's own rubber-ducky allure.
Unpleasant Event Schedule
This another spectacular 'zine offering superb poetry... plus the editorial humor just tickled me silly.
• Following one link after another, have also discovered Forklift, Ohio -- which welcomes ONLY unsolicited Recipes, Safety Tips, Found Pieces, Photograhy and Artwork. Very ticklish "operations" page. Had fun gobbling up the small amount of sample poems which are offered, of course, for the purpose of making customers of unsuspecting visitors. Teehee.
• Fussed over my plant in the plantarium. It started to turn brownish under the sun (and clouds)... but ever since moving it in front of the television, the leaves have taken a nicer shade of green. I have this funny feeling that it's more couch potato than sweet pea (as stated in the label).

Recent acceptances:

• Holly Hughes who is editing an Alzheimer's anthology accepted my poem, Five Minutes of Silence. This was a great surprise since I've sort of given up on this -- submitted on June 2005.
• Tattoo Highway has accepted my poem, At King's in Jesolo, 2004 for their "Rocky Road" issue. This is the butchered-for-rock'n'roll version of the original that passed from one editorial hand to another and was rejected endlessly. Very ticklish poem inspired by the last disco event in my life.
• stationæry accepted my poem, If It's Coffee-Flavored, It's Serendipity for their "don't get cold feet" issue no. 9. Another butchered and re-butchered list poem that made me snarl during each revision. This is the third time I've sent work to the print magazine... my first two shots went wide, to put it mildly. Hee.