It's summer, and A deserves a vacation from her —erm— vacation.
These past weeks she's managed to come up with something like 2,000+ fantasy/sci-fi names and surnames for her future Sims. Right now she's still in the process of rebuilding their wardrobe and coiffures. At the rate she's going, as the husband observed, by the time she starts the actual playing, Sims 3 will already be out.
Work-wise, Valerie and I have received our sample copy of the Bundles manuscript. We're really happy about it... just needs a few more tweaks here and there. I don't know what it is about margins and page alignments that regresses me to the anal stage — but that's where I am, together with my (future) Sims and their tacky high heels.
Anyway, just rushing through this blog with the usual updates, for my records. I also have a real-life 2008 agenda where I note these things down, but it always disappears the moment I need it — the problem with physical things — not to mention that between April and June, the lines and dates disappeared and left me to fend for myself. Boo. I made a mess trying to date the pages since I couldn't even see which month I was in. It was a really cheap agenda. Hee.
Recent publications:
WARNING: Long list ahead. Please don't urinate in the kiddie pool.
• An oldish poem, After the Affair is up in the Herstory Issue of Cahoots Magazine (Spring 2008).
• My copy of Chiron Review #83, Summer 2008 arrived yesterday. Have three poems in this issue, Driving Home, Snow Globe and Sunday Morning Mass.
• Three poems, The 37th Secret Love Poem, Relic and This dirty napkin are up in the Summer 2008 issue of Dirty Napkin. I was so thrilled to read the exciting poems of fellow bloggers, Jayne and Nanette in this issue, too.
If you subscribe, you'll be able to hear us say Ni.
• Valerie and I have a set of poems (plus recordings) from the Bundles manuscript up at John Vick's Adroitly Placed Word. Valerie did some stunning, surreal vocal effects in her readings... while I just tried to cheat my way with cheeky background effects. We're both proud Audacity users.
• Another RC Flyer Off Course is up in Thieves Jargon — on its trail, Mark Baumer and I had an ultra-weird conversation at Everyday Yeah. I've been cleaning the house ever since after this and getting dirtier by the day.
• Have an oldish poem, Squeeze and a spankin' new one, A Kind of Pompeii in Prick of the Spindle (Vol 2.2).
They were really quick here — i.e. time between acceptance and publication. Or maybe I'm just sluggish.
Submission sent: 25 May 2008
Reply date: 19 June 2008
• Banned for Life, the first poem I did in my 12th round at 30:30 made it in the — guess what — "Banned for Life" issue of Six Little Things.
Was so thrilled to see Annie Bien's poem, The Harmonious Society — which I remember from one of her 30:30 rounds — in this issue, too. Yay!
Okay, so I'm really sluggish. Here's the response time of this ultra-cool 'zine.
Submission sent: 16 May 2008
Reply date: 4 June 2008
Other acceptances:
• Pebble Lake Review accepted my poem, Window Screen for their Spring 2008 issue.
They now request an audio recording of published pieces. Yikes. It's kind of becoming a norm with online 'zines.
Submission sent: 13 February 2008
Reply date: 8 June 2008
• Ambit accepted a sestina, The Magnificent Shrimp World of Fergus — and made me one happy fish.
Like with Stand, their response time is pythonic. Hee. But the editors did apologize, saying that my submission got lost before it was found. So, this is probably just in this case.
Submission posted: 6 July 2007
Reply received: 18 June 2008
• Beneath the Weave, a Medea-based poem, was accepted for inclusion in In the Telling anthology (Cinnamon Press).
Submission sent: 13 February 2008
Reply date: 23 June 2008
Persistent summer ditty in A's head:
Oh yeah, life goes on,
long after the thrill of living is gone.
— John Cougar Mellencamp
These past weeks she's managed to come up with something like 2,000+ fantasy/sci-fi names and surnames for her future Sims. Right now she's still in the process of rebuilding their wardrobe and coiffures. At the rate she's going, as the husband observed, by the time she starts the actual playing, Sims 3 will already be out.
Work-wise, Valerie and I have received our sample copy of the Bundles manuscript. We're really happy about it... just needs a few more tweaks here and there. I don't know what it is about margins and page alignments that regresses me to the anal stage — but that's where I am, together with my (future) Sims and their tacky high heels.
Anyway, just rushing through this blog with the usual updates, for my records. I also have a real-life 2008 agenda where I note these things down, but it always disappears the moment I need it — the problem with physical things — not to mention that between April and June, the lines and dates disappeared and left me to fend for myself. Boo. I made a mess trying to date the pages since I couldn't even see which month I was in. It was a really cheap agenda. Hee.
Recent publications:
WARNING: Long list ahead. Please don't urinate in the kiddie pool.
• An oldish poem, After the Affair is up in the Herstory Issue of Cahoots Magazine (Spring 2008).
• My copy of Chiron Review #83, Summer 2008 arrived yesterday. Have three poems in this issue, Driving Home, Snow Globe and Sunday Morning Mass.
• Three poems, The 37th Secret Love Poem, Relic and This dirty napkin are up in the Summer 2008 issue of Dirty Napkin. I was so thrilled to read the exciting poems of fellow bloggers, Jayne and Nanette in this issue, too.
If you subscribe, you'll be able to hear us say Ni.

• Valerie and I have a set of poems (plus recordings) from the Bundles manuscript up at John Vick's Adroitly Placed Word. Valerie did some stunning, surreal vocal effects in her readings... while I just tried to cheat my way with cheeky background effects. We're both proud Audacity users.
• Another RC Flyer Off Course is up in Thieves Jargon — on its trail, Mark Baumer and I had an ultra-weird conversation at Everyday Yeah. I've been cleaning the house ever since after this and getting dirtier by the day.
• Have an oldish poem, Squeeze and a spankin' new one, A Kind of Pompeii in Prick of the Spindle (Vol 2.2).
They were really quick here — i.e. time between acceptance and publication. Or maybe I'm just sluggish.
Submission sent: 25 May 2008
Reply date: 19 June 2008
• Banned for Life, the first poem I did in my 12th round at 30:30 made it in the — guess what — "Banned for Life" issue of Six Little Things.
Was so thrilled to see Annie Bien's poem, The Harmonious Society — which I remember from one of her 30:30 rounds — in this issue, too. Yay!
Okay, so I'm really sluggish. Here's the response time of this ultra-cool 'zine.
Submission sent: 16 May 2008
Reply date: 4 June 2008
Other acceptances:
• Pebble Lake Review accepted my poem, Window Screen for their Spring 2008 issue.
They now request an audio recording of published pieces. Yikes. It's kind of becoming a norm with online 'zines.
Submission sent: 13 February 2008
Reply date: 8 June 2008
• Ambit accepted a sestina, The Magnificent Shrimp World of Fergus — and made me one happy fish.

Like with Stand, their response time is pythonic. Hee. But the editors did apologize, saying that my submission got lost before it was found. So, this is probably just in this case.
Submission posted: 6 July 2007
Reply received: 18 June 2008
• Beneath the Weave, a Medea-based poem, was accepted for inclusion in In the Telling anthology (Cinnamon Press).
Submission sent: 13 February 2008
Reply date: 23 June 2008
Persistent summer ditty in A's head:
Oh yeah, life goes on,
long after the thrill of living is gone.
— John Cougar Mellencamp
now i have that song stuck in my head. little ditty, bout jack and diane, two american kids ah!!
i'm finding the waiting periods excruciating. i just began submitting two months ago about, and i have around 30 poems in submission right now floating out there...and it's hard to focus on my writing! must work on this.
Congrats on your recent acceptances. I listened to both you and Valerie at John's and frankly you both blew me away, and I think you have put my brain on rewind, because this line from the same song popped in my head...
Hold on to 16
as long as you can
changes come around real soon
to make us women and men.
Thank you I think. I might have all of the words to every song on that album memorized, I owned it on 8-track. Reminds me of a road trip in a 1980 pumpkin orange pinto. Come join us in the 30:30.
big hugs
:) brenda
Dear Arlene, thank you for your comment on Bora and Sirocco...after these latest three days we really need Bora, I feel.
I wonder from fan to fan. At home I mean and I mean "fan" as that thing that gives a breath of air in this Venetian-Vietnam... the human fans, those who cheer amd wave their hands at me are all in my dreams...
And the Sirocco is very persistent, the seaweeds are rotting and here near the port there's that typical smell of stale zucchini-soup at this time of the day, the brewing hot early evening, the lagoon looming its powerful damp brow... and my cheeks, my cheeks cauldron-scalded.
Great with Ambit, I have never reached it, it's very famous and prestigious.
Try "Rialto" now and "Poetry London", I read your poem in "Cahoots", it's definitely at target and marvellously compact.
Best wishes, Davide
thank you for your lovely email! i just received acceptance of three poems to Potomac and am so happy= this makes waiting much easier!
you give me strength to keep submitting, just looking at your page full of your hard work and accomplishments. you are a determined woman and i love that.
ok back again with question:
do you reach a point where your submission has been gone so long you want to send it to other publications?
do you email the editor and tell them you are withdrawing submission or...
You are one busy bee. Congrats!
Hey Arlene,
Originally, I read your post as Gone Slimming - I was imagining an action-packed-starvation-exercise regime in some militant boot camp... ; )
Can't wait to read yourself and Valerie's book...
And holy gawd above : ) I think you are getting even speedier with the subs and acceptances than one would think humanly all the energy that must come from this - it's contagious : )
congrats on the poems in ' Cella's'- they look so great and read wonderfully.
Holy cow! Thank God you use your powers for good, that's all I have to say. Congratulations on all those great publications/acceptances. You are a powerhouse. Enjoy your simming and come on back to 30/30 sometime!
Hi Arlene,
I just noticed that we are neighbors in the Best of Web anthology!
Hope you're doing well, Arlene, in your busy summer. Best.
You've been tagged with a meme.
hey Arlene,
thank you doll for mentioning my poem in Dirty Napkin.
back attcha on my blog:
Hey arlene,
Enough Simming, I say!! ; ) I need another blog post...just listened to your poems on John's site - fantabulous!! I've just made a recording of a poem - it's taken me forever...the editor has had to contend with 'whirring' 'clicks' and 'loud pops'...luckily audacity came to the rescue. : )
hi arlene,
lucky you - are you on vacation?
listen: my old blog is gone.
my new blog is:
Well shit, they took my new blog down too!!! Apparently they think that I was making threats - well, I have the right to!!! The world owes me!!!! SCUM!!!
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