• In Posse Review has accepted my poems, Study of an Object at Rest and The Macro Lens Feeds, in Part, On Human Skin in their forthcoming “Poetry and the Body” issue.
Submission date: 8 January 2007
Acceptance date: 4 March 2007
Really thrilled to be sharing space with Sarah in this classy 'zine, too!
• Stand Magazine has also accepted 4 poems: Frog Oral Cavity: A Random Dissection of Wednesday, He drafted, Rehearsal and Falling into a Manhole is Considered Lucky in a future issue, sometime in 2007. I'm quite ecstatic. I used to read copies of Stand at the British Council back then... never imagined I could get in!
In fact, I'd already given up on them (see response time below):
Submission mailed: 22 May 2006
Acceptance received: 7 March 2007
• Eclectica has accepted my word poem, The Woman in Teal Pyjamas in their Spring 2007 issue. This will mark my 11th presence there.
Submission date: 25 January 2007
Acceptance date: 14 March 2007
• Boxcar Poetry Review is featuring two pictures I took at the Central Cemetery in Vienna in their March 2007 issue. Wheeeeee!! Here's a thought bubble:
• And last but not the least, I became a second-time aunt to the thirstiest baby girl in the East on March 5. She feeds almost every hour or two... breast milk and formula. Totally ravenous.
Submission date: 8 January 2007
Acceptance date: 4 March 2007
Really thrilled to be sharing space with Sarah in this classy 'zine, too!

• Stand Magazine has also accepted 4 poems: Frog Oral Cavity: A Random Dissection of Wednesday, He drafted, Rehearsal and Falling into a Manhole is Considered Lucky in a future issue, sometime in 2007. I'm quite ecstatic. I used to read copies of Stand at the British Council back then... never imagined I could get in!

In fact, I'd already given up on them (see response time below):
Submission mailed: 22 May 2006
Acceptance received: 7 March 2007
• Eclectica has accepted my word poem, The Woman in Teal Pyjamas in their Spring 2007 issue. This will mark my 11th presence there.

Submission date: 25 January 2007
Acceptance date: 14 March 2007
• Boxcar Poetry Review is featuring two pictures I took at the Central Cemetery in Vienna in their March 2007 issue. Wheeeeee!! Here's a thought bubble:

• And last but not the least, I became a second-time aunt to the thirstiest baby girl in the East on March 5. She feeds almost every hour or two... breast milk and formula. Totally ravenous.